‘Poly(I:C) HMW VacciGrade’
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1. Security safeguards
Prior to utilizing the item, read this manual completely from the get go. Try not to begin the activity until
you get the items in manual. Thisarchive makes sense of just techniques used for determined purposes. Try not to involve the item for any
reason or by some strategy not portrayed in the manual. In the event that it is utilized for any reason or by any
technique not depicted in the manual, an administratorought to get a sense of ownership with all necessary wellbeing measures and possibilities. Additionally, read a manual of gear utilized with it at the same time.
2. Application reason
The item is cushion to move proteins from a gelto a film by semi-blotching technique laterelectrophoresis.
3. Bundle
4. Parts
The item does exclude a notifiable materialsurpassing to controlled sum for rejectionchosen by PRTR Law, Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act, and Industrial Safety andWellbeing Law.
5. Safeguarding technique
● Keep unopened EzFastBlotHMW at room
● It is steady until the lapse date for use
(meant on the mark) in the event that it isn’t opened.
● The functioning arrangement is additionally storable at room
temperature. Yet, go through it straightaway.
6. Removal technique
● Follow a removal technique laid out by the
association you have a place with.
● Materials of jug
Fundamental body:High thickness polyethylene
Top :Polypropylene
7. Important things other than the item
※e.g., the accompanying items are expected for
smudging of a polyacrylamide gel of Mini size
(85x90x1mm thick).
● A film
(WSE-4051 P in addition to films
PVDF 85mm x 90mm )
● 6 channel papers
(CB-09A Filter papers 85mm x 90mm x
● A semi dry blotching framework
(WSE-4020 HorizeBLOT 2M-R)
(WSE-4040 HorizeBLOT 4M-R)
● A power supply
(WSE-3200 powerStation ⅲ )
(WSE-3500 powerStation HC )
8. Safeguards for use
● The item is 5x stock arrangement. Weaken it to the thickness of 1/5 with refined water, when it is utilized.
● The smudging gadgets of our old model cutoff max electric flow (Ampere) as follows.
AE-6687 HorizeBLOT 2M :1.0a
AE-6677 HorizeBLOT:1.0A
AE-6688 HorizeBLOT 4M :1.2A
AE-6678 HorizeBLOT :1.2A
Assuming that you utilize higher current than the abovementioned, the
gadget might be broken.
HorizeBLOT 4M whose part number is later
490011 can give electric flow till 2.4A.
Additionally, a gadget of other organization might restrict max
current and voltage.
Affirm the determination before an activity.
9. Utilization
A.Dilute reagent To make the functioning arrangement (blotching cradle), weaken the item to the thickness of 1/5 with refined water.
B.Make a smudging film hydrophilic Assuming that a PVDF film is utilized for smudging, make ithydrophilic by the accompanying technique ahead of time.
1. Empty a few mL methanol into a holder
greater than a PVDF film. Submerge it in
the methanol for about
2. Pour around 50 mL smudging cushion into another
holder. Take the film out from
methanol and placed it in the smudging support. Shake
it for 5~15 minutes. It will in general drift at the
starting. Shake it to inundate in the arrangement
1. Plan 6 channel papers (CB-09A). On the off chance that you use channel
papers of other organization, slice it to a similar size
as a gel, and set up the quantity of it to be
in excess of 6 mm thick altogether.
Pour around 50 mL smearing cushion into a
compartment greater than it, and drench it in the
arrangement. (Refer to conditions on the below.)
2. After electrophoresis, put a gel in around 50 mL
blotching cushion, and wash the surface delicately
(in something like a few minutes) to dispose of little offers
of gel and air pockets of SDS. Try not to drench or
shake it for quite a while.
3. Heap channel papers, the film and the gel with
alluding to the above figure.
① Drop a few mL blotching support into the lower
anode plate to get wet ahead of time.
② Put 3 channel papers drenched in smearing support
on the terminal plate.
③ Put the layer on the channel papers.
④ Drop a few mL smearing cradle into the
⑤ Put the gel on the layer without embedding
air rises between them.
⑥ Put 3 channel papers inundated in blotching cushion
on the gel.
⑦ To upgrade bond of the gel and film,
push out pointless cushion with a roller
appended to the gadget. Or then again, push a few spots of
the heap firmly and equally from above by
hands wearing gloves. On the off chance that the grip is
lacking, grinning or lopsided smearing productivity
may happen.
⑧ Set the upper cathode plate on the channel
papers serenely. Associate the gadget and a power
supply with lead wires. The lower cathode of
HorizeBLOT 2M-R/2M is anode (+). Associate the
red terminal of lead wires to the red connector
of force supply.
⑨ Apply 25V of steady voltage for 15~30
minutes on account of WSE-4020/4040.
Hand-made gel (Compact/Mini size gel): 25V
Precast gel (Compact/Mini size gel): 25V
Set current worth as around 250~450 mA per a
gel around then.
Apply 6~7 mA of consistent current per 1 cm2
for 15~30 minutes on account of AE6687/6688.
Minimized gel(60mm x 60mm):250mA/gel
Small size gel(85mm x 90mm):450mA/gel
Set voltage esteem as 25~40V around then. The
voltage ought to be set as 40V or less.
Poly(I:C) (HMW) VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-pic | InvivoGen FR | 10 mg | 351.75 EUR | |
TDB VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-tdb | InvivoGen FR | 2 mg | 468.3 EUR | |
R848 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-r848 | InvivoGen FR | 5 mg | 911.4 EUR | |
CL401 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-c401-5 | InvivoGen FR | 5 mg | 682.5 EUR | |
CL413 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-c413-5 | InvivoGen FR | 5 mg | 682.5 EUR | |
CL429 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-c429 | InvivoGen FR | 5 mg | 682.5 EUR | |
MPLAs Vaccigrade™ | ||||
vac-mpls | InvivoGen FR | 1 mg | 430.5 EUR | |
ODN 1585 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-1585-1 | InvivoGen FR | 1 mg | 870.45 EUR | |
ODN 1826 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-1826-1 | InvivoGen FR | 1 mg | 870.45 EUR | |
ODN 2006 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-2006-1 | InvivoGen FR | 1 mg | 870.45 EUR | |
ODN 2395 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-2395-1 | InvivoGen FR | 1 mg | 870.45 EUR | |
Pam3CSK4 VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-pms | InvivoGen FR | 1 mg | 326.55 EUR | |
Imiquimod VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-imq | InvivoGen FR | 5 mg | 423.15 EUR | |
LPS-EB VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-3pelps | InvivoGen FR | 5 x 10e6 EU | 430.5 EUR | |
2’3’-cGAMP VacciGrade™ | ||||
vac-nacga23 | InvivoGen FR | 1 mg | 741.3 EUR |
In the event that current can not be set as the abovementioned, change
an opportunity to apply it. For instance, if 225 mA of
electric flow streams in a Mini size gel, the time is
30~60 minutes.
On the off chance that WSE-4110 poweredBLOT-ONE which is implicit
power supply unit is utilized with the item, read the
guidance manual of the gear completely.
Assuming that the item is utilized with AE-6685 poweredBLOT
small, it very well may be utilized under a similar state of