• April 18, 2022

AccuCount Blank Particles

AccuCount Blank Particles, 1E6/mL, 5.0-5.9 um, 10 mL

Important recognized uses of the substance and utilizations exhorted against
This material is just for motivation behind specialized investigation as well as logical exploration.

The wellbeing,
toxicological, and eco-toxicological dangers of this substance have not been completely examined;
consequently, this substance should be taken care of simply by, or under close watch of those certified
in the taking care of and utilization of possibly perilous substances. Not really for homegrown or
food/drug/corrective use.

Dangers Identification:

Order of substance or combination:

  • Not named perilous as per Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP/GHS) or Directive 67/548/EEC as changed. Alert: This substance has not been completely tried (EC).
  • Inward breath (power/fogs):
  • Might be hurtful whenever breathed in. May cause upper respiratory lot and mucous
    layer disturbance.
  • Skin and Eyes: May cause skin and eye bothering
  • Ingestion: May be hurtful whenever gulped.
  • Natural: May be destructive to the climate

AccuCount Blank 10^6/mL 8.0-12.9 um is accessible at Gentaur for Next week Delivery.

At GENTAUR a wide assortment of Fluorescent Particle is advertised:

The Fluorescent Particle Slides are extremely helpful to utilize and can be utilized for routine arrangement and adjustment of confocal fluorescent magnifying lens, laser examining cytometers and other picture systems.The FPS are made by mounting fluorescent particles with one or various fluorophores in a super durable mounting medium.

AccuCount Blank Particles
ACBP-100-10 Cusabio 10 mL 230.4 EUR
AccuCount Blank Particles, 10^6/mL, 13.0-17.9µm, 10mL
ACBP-150-10 Spherotech 10 mL 160 EUR
AccuCount Blank Particles, 10^6/mL, 2.0-2.4µm, 10mL
ACBP-20-10 Spherotech 10 mL 155 EUR
AccuCount Blank Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.0-3.9µm, 10mL
ACBP-30-10 Spherotech 10 mL 150 EUR
AccuCount Blank, 10^6/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 10mL
ACBP-50-10 Spherotech 10 mL 155 EUR
AccuCount Blank, 10^6/mL, 7.0-7.9µm, 10mL
ACBP-70-10 Spherotech 10 mL 155 EUR
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL
ACFP-100-3 Spherotech 3 mL 155 EUR
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL
ACFP-50-5 Spherotech 5 mL 155 EUR
AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 7.0-7.9µm, 5mL
ACFP-70-5 Spherotech 5 mL 155 EUR
AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL
ACRFP-100-3 Spherotech 3 mL 175 EUR
AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 10mL
ACURFP-50-10 Spherotech 10 mL 265 EUR
AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 5mL
ACURFP-38-5 Spherotech 5 mL 170 EUR
AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 15mL
ACURFP-38-15 Spherotech 15 mL 405 EUR
AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Low Intensity, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL
ACRFL-100-3 Spherotech 3 mL 175 EUR
AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 25µm(+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 5mL
ACURFP2.5-250-5 Spherotech 5mL 325 EUR
AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 32µm(+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 1mL
ACURFP2.5-300-1 Spherotech 1mL 100 EUR



Lab Reagents

Human IgG immunizer Laboratories produces the clear serum igg igm reagents dispersed by Genprice. The Blank Serum Igg Igm reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab tests. To buy these items, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, convention, capacity conditions/temperature or for the fixation, if it’s not too much trouble, contact IgM Serum. Other Blank items are accessible in stock. Particularity: Blank Category: Serum Group: Igg Igm

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